The Myth of German Villainy

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Softcover • 6” X 9” • 444 pages
2nd edition with a foreword by Hellstorm’s
Thomas Goodrich
B&W: 171 B&W images
COLOR: 123 B&W and 48 color images


The Myth of German Villainy - B&W vs Color

“After traveling around most of Europe, Germany emerged as my favorite country. During our visits there we found the German people to be pleasant, industrious, disciplined, and civilized, with many similarities to traditional Americans. They in no way resembled the stereotypes depicted in all the anti-Nazi movies, books, and articles we have been subjected to over the years.”

—Ben Bradberry USN (Ret.)

During both World Wars, fantastic atrocity stories were invented to provoke hatred of Germany and the German people in order to convince the public to support the wars. “Holocaust” propaganda which emerged after World War II further solidified this image of Germany as history’s ultimate villain. But how true is this “official” story? Do the facts bear the claims out? Read on to find out how you’ve been lied to.