White Power

Softcover • 6” X 9” • 410 pages • 43 images

Every copy comes with a complimentary double-sided, 2.5” X 8.5” bookmark

White Power Front & Back Book Mark

George Lincoln Rockwell (1918-1967) was that rarest of individuals: a man who embodied intelligence, wisdom, integrity, and courage. He was, in every sense of the word, a great communicator and a great leader. He harbored a vision of greatness for the White race, and he did everything in his power to realize that goal. Had he not been cut down by an assassin’s bullet at the age of 49, he might have brought that vision well along the road to fruition.

White Power* is exceptional in that it effectively and unabashedly calls out the two main threats to White well-being: Blacks and Jews. As the “bottom rung” of Western society, Blacks pose a crude, primitive, but direct threat, through physical violence, laziness, crime, and race-mixing. As the “rulers” of society, Jews present a more subtle but ultimately more poisonous danger; they undermine the very self-consciousness and self-purpose of the White race. Sandwiched between these dual dangers, Whites are being crushed, demoralized, impoverished, and spiritually drained.

The solution to this grave problem, said Rockwell, lay in Hitler’s National Socialism. At its core, this ideology argued that life is struggle, that race matters, and that one’s enemies must be dealt with harshly and directly. Though in place for only 12 short years, German National Socialism showed what could be done with vision, focus, and determination; Germany rose from the depths of despair to world power. Hitler proved what can be done with a White race that followed the “natural order” of the world.

In the starkest of terms, and pulling no punches, Rockwell calls for another spiritual and emotional renaissance of the White race, to resume its natural role as leader of global humanity. Only by ruthlessly identifying the enemy, said Rockwell, can we summon the will and the courage to act.

Never before has anyone produced such a blunt and unapologetic defense of the White race. This will be the standard by which all such future books are measured.

White Power stands as an utterly unique and unmatched accomplishment: a brutally honest assessment of the situation of the White race in America (and globally), and a roadmap to restore greatness to this beleaguered global minority. In many ways, the situation has grown significantly worse for Whites in the intervening decades; Rockwell’s words are needed now more than ever.

*White Power was completed yet unfinished at the time of Rockwell’s death on August 25, 1967. The full text was written but the final edits and final “polish” had not yet been done. As a result, the book was published posthumously in a rather rough form; all existing editions have numerous typos, grammatical errors, and textual flaws that would have been caught by a good editor. The present edition seeks to provide a polish to the text and to issue it as a fully professional production, all without deviating in the slightest from the spirit of the original.

Five substantial and important appendices have been added that provide essential insight into Rockwell’s life and work. Appendix A provides a detailed biography, written by a man who knew Rockwell personally: William Luther Pierce. Appendix B is one of Rockwell’s most famous essays, originally titled (in Latin) In Hoc Signo Vinces—which means “By this sign, we will conquer.” (The “sign” in question is the swastika.) Appendix C is the full, and infamous, 1966 Playboy interview—surely one of the most amazing interviews ever printed in a major American magazine. Appendix D offers a few select pages from Rockwell’s self-published periodical, The Rockwell Report. And Appendix E is a relatively recent (2017) Washington Post article discussing Rockwell in some detail; though horribly slanted, it shows something of the ongoing influence of the man, now some 60 years after his untimely death.